The past week or two I have mostly spent on a conference paper, which is now completed and submitted. I spent time researching the options for cheap clickers (see previous post), and the tradeoff is simple: either we make our own and have very basic, non-robust clickers, or we invest in something with a smart operating system that we can expand on later. I assume we'll be meeting to discuss this later. If we do decide to go with a software solution I will be able to put something together, however if we go with a solution that requires custom electronics construction I may be a bit out of my element.
The rest of my time was spent with minor repairs. I've started basic documentation on the code for the ghana sms program so that the project can be continued later and modified if need be. I worked with David while they were in Ghana to fix some bugs, which was particularly difficult because of the spotty / slow internet access they had there. Eventually he was able to take the laptop down to the hotel lobby where they were staying, and I remotely connected long enough to figure out the problem. Later I completed the fixes.
Not sure what the next step is at this point, as for now I'm spending my time just researching, and cleaning up with documentation.
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